American presidential elections have been visited by many assorted nuts, but none as certified and as vitriolic as the ex guitar swinging, human reproducer in chief, butt naked musician known as Ted Nugent.
His slogan, he widely proclaims, is "I have 9 children fro 7 women, and I'm running for President."
Low and behold. Here comes the procreator in chief.
Why does the extreme right wing think that birthing a ludicrous number of children somehow assures a more conservative political future? And who is Ted Nugent to be that standard bearer?
Better known as an unabashed womanizer, chiefly he contends, because his genes are superior, a survivalist who could teach militia a thing or two, or maybe already has, a hunter who wants to turn Texas green (what?), Nugent is the man for that uber-conservative who wants to make no amends for the nazi like approach he has envisioned for America.
And make no mistake, that's what it is. This is a man who will stop at nothing, and unfortunately there is nothing to stop him. We will have to suffer this man's tirades and probably successful campaign. There is no telling what kind of madness this loony bird will stir up.
Apart from procreation, the man from Texas, is deliberately coming full frontal onto your screens. Yap, and he has tons of supporters.
In the past, Nugent declined attempts by Republicans to draw him to gubernatorial races, with the reasoning that such things would distract him from his hunting. Oh, yes, Ted Nugent is the poster boy of the NRA and the hunting community. There is no weapon big enough for him, and just like his mouth, there is no telling what will come out of it.
The motor mouthed musician, now 66, opines that his time has come. He has been heard saying racist and overtly provocative things in the past two years, but he avers that the country is going to hell in a hand basket, and the only way it can be righted is if his ilk, with him at the helm, can rule.
One of the things he premises, is that under his rule, everyone must produce. Considering his past, does that mean fornicate? One is not sure.
We'll have to wait and see, although this writer hopes that Mr. Nugent draws up more hunting plans, the likes of which cannot be disrupted by some trivial presidential campaign.
Source : The Raw Story / 7.5.13
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