There are few men as reviled, and justifiably so, as Rush Limbaugh, the vitriolic man of the GOP sponsored radio programming.
He has been a man who has placed his imprimatur on the American politics through the kind of propaganda that would make Mugabe proud.
Now however, he is strangely turning on his own. After losing millions in sponsorships due to his often vile and outrageous utterances, he seems to have hit a point where even he no longer respects any of the tried and true allegiances.
In a radio show just yesterday, Limbaugh proposed shutting down Fox News, the 'alma mater' of Republican propaganda and ideology. In an unprecedented turnabout, Limbaugh accused Fox News, and in particular the panel discussion programs, of inciting people to anger. In his words, the shows are "designed to get you ticked off."
During a call in which a hapless follower explained his concern about Obama's attempt at launching a Stalinist attack on America with windmills and solar panels, Rush advised the man to " ...stop watching these people."
He also added that Fox News' programs "are designed to make you question your sanity."
Contrary to Limbaugh's own advice, Fox news is considered the most popular of the 24 hour news networks, with about 8% of the regular tv watchers who use tv news as their sole source of news. An incredible 94% of Fox's audience considers itself Republican or a GOP sympathizer.
A University of Maryland study issued in 2010 showed that Fox News viewers were the most misinformed news listeners on just about every issue. They even think, at the rate of 93%, that the Economy Recovery Act, a program begun by the previous President, a Republican, is a program that is ruining the economy and costing American jobs.
CNN was a close second with 7% of viewers that get their news exclusively from tv. MSNBC is the laggard with only 1%.
Source : The Raw Story/ 7.9.13
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