courtesy: M.N. Qadour photographer

Amidst news that the conflict in Syria is escalating and making victims at a quickening pace, the United States is evaluating an option that would offer aid to the opposition in the form of non military help by proposing measures and support that would go to help the opposition forces. 
Some of the proposed options are supplementation of certain arms, like armored vehicles and body armor, and maybe a special training force to enable the opposition to better organize and contrast Assad's forces.
The proposal, which to date remains unofficial, could become part of  the talks in Europe in the new Secretary of State John Kerry"s tour when they meet this week in Rome.
Another proposal is to give humanitarian aid to the rebels directly.
The EU is also evaluating a new provision that would allow its members to provide more non-lethal support and other types of assistance for the protection of civilians.
Source: France 24/ 2.27.13   

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