It was not long ago, that the world decried the fate of three Russian protest singers, part of the 'band' Pussy Riot, who were sentenced to lengthy prison terms for singing inside a Moscow Cathedral.

Things are changing however.  The Sochi games are approaching.  There are only a few weeks left before Russia shows its new face.  Putin plans to use Sochi the way China used the Olympics, as a showcase for Russia's grandeur and storied tradition.

In the meantime, two young protesters are rotting in jail. That in itself could cast a pall on the Sochi celebrations, already marred by boycotts and protests for Russia's homophobic stance. 

So what's a poor plutocrat to do?  Putin must find an answer, a technical one.  Enter the Supreme Court.

This week, the Russian Supreme Court has ordered a review of the case.  The contention is that the lower court did not entirely prove their guilt, nor case. 

What the court contends too, is that the women could have been given a shorter prison terms, if their life and hardship had been taken into account;  what in the US is known as ameliorating circumstances.

It might just be, that this review is fast tracked.  This writer, for one, fully expects the remaining girls - one has been released on probation for some unspecified reason - to be let go just in time for the games to begin.
All hail the Olympic Games then.  


Partial Source : Al Jazeera/  12.13.13 

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