Many scientists are intensely studying the probably causes of Alzeihmer's, a devastating disease whose increasing incidence in humans could pause serious challenges to both societal function and health structures worldwide.

Many are the theories.  Each day seems to bring new notions and discoveries.  Many point to viruses, others to nutritional deficiencies.  

A new study however, suggests that high or higher levels of HDL, or good cholesterol, could prevent the formation of plaques, which are known to be precursors of Alzeihmer's disease.  At the same time, low LDL, or bad cholesterol, has to be present for the diminished risk to hold true.

University of California at Davis, believe that amyloid plaques are inhibited by high levels of good cholesterol. 

Evidence that people with high levels of bad cholesterol have a higher risk of Alzeihmer's had already surfaced in the past, but this study actually links it directly to the formation of amyloid plaques. 

The US standard for healthy HDL is 60 mg or more per deciliter of blood.  Such levels are considered to protect against heart disease.  The ratio of HDL to LDL is also important.  If the combined value is over 200 for example, but the HDL is actually at least 2/3 of bad cholesterol, then the benefit still subsists.  

This research is also important in light of the fact that LDL level guidelines have recently changed.   Treatment of high cholesterol is still vital for heart health and now, brain health.  

However, diet is extremely important. Just lowering cholesterol through medicinal treatment can actually cause lower HDL levels, because they are often associated with extreme diets that prevent any type of fat from being eaten.  Recent research has pointed to the fact that people who are taking statins and employing a strict no fat diet actually could end up with metabolic syndrome and low good cholesterol levels. 

What this research from UC at Davis also does, is point to the fact that formation of amyloid plaques could be stemmed or reduced early on, by modifying cholesterol levels in the brain.

Very important to the reduction of cholesterol is lifestyle and diet.  Diet, weight, and exercise are vital to good levels of cholesterol.  Smoking however, is one of the worse offenders when it comes to cholesterol and heart disease. 

In 2010, a similar study on cholesterol's effect on the body showed that high cholesterol produced brain damage in rats.  The damage is remarkably similar to that found in Alzeihmers disease.

Source : MNT/ 1.1.14

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