Neo Nazi groups in Germany are going on the offensive.  The groups are swelling in numbers, even in a country that has the best economic outlook in the entire EU.  

Whatever surveillance and obstacles are placed in their way, they seem to be able to get around them.  

The new trick, so to speak, is to allow their members to gain access to places where they are banned through a press badge, which they obtain illegally to be able to pass through barricades in places where authorities have established clear zones during demonstrations. 

What happens then, is that the Neo Nazi with the badges can get close to the demonstrators they call their enemies and the press covering the event and threaten them both.  

This trend is increasing, with legitimate press reporters speaking of increasing threats and intimidation on the part of the press card bearing Nazis.  In some cases the reporters have also been attacked. 

The Neo Nazis also document their encounters beyond the barricades, by taking pictures and movies, so that they can later identify the journalists who report on Nazis crimes, and target them for intimidation or violence. 

The press badges also allow the Neo Nazis to enter courtroom proceedings that are off limits to them or the public. This access allows them to glean information not only on cases that involves neo Nazis, but also about police coutersurveillance tactics.  

Neo Nazis are also using blogs and media to change public opinion or to create an alternative media that tries to draw people away from mainstream media, and to rely solely on couter information provided by their sites. 

Although legitimate press badges are hard to obtain, fake or other type of badges are employed by the groups. That also makes it hard for legitimate journalists to work, because they are now scrutinized or downright blocked from having access if they cannot prove their affiliation or if they are mistaken for a neo Nazi. 

For this reasons, the German Journalist association is calling for a nationwide press badge that would be given only to legitimate full time journalists.  

Source : Deutsche Welle/ 1.5.14 

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