photo; nbc

The FBI is admitting that it never followed up on a memo that reported about UFOs and aliens that were allegedly recovered in the desert of New Mexico.

The memo dates back to 3.22.50, and has been available for viewing for at least two years.  Millions of people have accessed the site to read the memo.  

The memo, written by Hottel, who at the time was the chief agent at the Washington DC office, was sent to then director J.E.Hoover.  

The memo details that an FBI agent related information provided by a then informant who in turn had spoken to an Air Force investigator who had direct knowledge of three UFOs recovered, with passengers on board, in the desert of N.M.

The UFOs were supposedly 50 feet in diameter, and each was manned by three aliens who were about three feet tall with humanoid features and wearing what seemed a bandaging outfit that resembled pressured suits.  

The memo relates that the UFOs were believed to have crashed after their navigation system was disrupted by a nearby high-powered radar

However, the FBI never followed up on the memo.  And after a backlash from viewers, the agency declared that the memo is not proof of extraterrestrial life or UFOs, and they added that even at the time of the report, the information was not considered serious.

And, the agency added, the memo dates almost three years after the infamous Roswell sighting of crashed UFOs, so that they believe that it bore no relation to that incident.  

However, the agency also admits that then Director Hoover did follow up on the Roswell incident by requesting that an FBI agent investigate after an Air Force request to verify the UFO sightings.  That investigation was wrapped up four months after the Hottel memo.  

A tentative explanation of the memo was given by a paranormal investigator who said that the memo coincided with the timing of a UFO hoax perpetrated by one Silas Newton, who was later convicted of fraud.  

However, the FBI declines to admit that the Hottel memo is related to the Newton hoax, although it offers plentiful information on Newton on its FBI vault internet site.  

Source: A.Boyle/NBC 3.28.13

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