Many people rely on 'health foods' to try and offset what they see as a veritable assault on our bodies from contamination and pollution.  But consumers should be aware that manufacturers of health foods are not always out to produce food that is actually good for you.

Although the original idea of a healthy food remains, what has been pre-packaged by manufacturers and food producers is an entirely different thing.

Below is a list of 'health foods' which could actually harm you :

1 - At number one, believe it or not, are fruit juices, long a staple that mothers enjoy giving their children.  But unfortunately, the type of juices you can buy at a grocery store are all but healthy.  In fact, the 'juice' contains little or no fruit, is packed usually with high fructose sugar, and has preservatives like ascorbid or citric acid, that render it too acidic for the body, causing among other things, urinary tract irritation and stomach upsets.  Acidity is also not where you would want the body's balance to be: acidity is inflammatory processes' best friend.

2 - Whole wheat.  Although in principle Whole wheat is better than bleached and refined wheat, it has a high amount of gluten, to which more and more people seem to be becoming sensitive lately.  Its consumption can also can make you vitamin D deficient.  Another problem with wheat is that it might increase the level of bad cholesterol.  

3 - Agave nectar.  long touted as a healthy alternative to sugar, is in fact very high in fructose, which has the same ill effects on the body as any refined sugar.  

4 - Sports drinks - Sport drinks were designed for athletes who undergo fitness regimens most people do not even dream of.  It is they who need to replenish all those minerals, sugar and water that is in sports drink.  To the average person, the sport drink substances are just overload.  And they are packed with sugar.

5 - Vegetable oils - for those concerned about saturated fat, seed and vegetable oils seem to be a bonanza.  However extraction of these oils often is done using toxic chemicals.  In addition some of the oils have too much Omega-6 fatty acids, in concentrations that our bodies are not genetically equipped to handle.  Too much Omega - 6 fatty acids can actually lead to inflammation.  Vegetable oils in particular, especially those in grocery markets have up to 4% of trans fats, which are highly toxic.  

6 - Low fat or fat free foods. Due to recent findings that saturated fats in meats are not the cause of cardiovascular disease but carnitine is, consumers should not entirely shun saturated fats to prevent cardiovascular disease.  In fact low fat or fat free are often loaded with chemicals to improve texture and taste, including artificial sweeteners and other harmful chemicals.

7 - Gluten free foods - unfortunately most gluten free food, which have become a fad lately followed even by celebrities, are often made with even worse products than wheat, such as potato starch, o tapioca starch.  Starch of course is known to be harmful to diabetics and is metabolized in such a way that it causes weight gain.  The foods are also highly processed for texture and taste.  Their nutritional value is often close to zero.

8 - Margarine and fake butters - Margarine, most people do not know was once banned for farm use in animals as unfit.  Marketers then geared their production for humans and somehow its use was approved.  It is usually packed with harmful chemicals.  It also increases the risk of death or heart attack.  Butter, especially if obtained from grass fed cows is actually healthy for you. Other similar compounds that are butter substitutes can be equally as harmful.

9 - Energy bars - most energy bars are packed with calories and sugar, white flour, artificial flavorings and everything you can think of.  There are some healthier brands, but really they should only be used if camping or in other situations where food spoilage is a concern.

10 - Low carb junk food - again processing is the key word.  One key to deciphering the maze of low carb junk food is to read the plethora of ingredients that go into making them. 

11 - Healthy breakfast cereals - The oxymoron that is the 'healthy breakfast cereal' marketing ploy is debunked by the analysis of its composition. Most processed cereals are anything but healthy.  They are made with components that are low grade, and are full of coloring, preservatives, sugar and other chemicals.

Source : PopSci 4.30.13

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