After decades of waiting, Berlusconi detractors are finally cheering: the ex premier was sentenced to seven years in prison, although he still has two lawyers of appeals before he sees a jail, if he ever does. 

Of course Berlusconi's admirers are already crying foul.  There are those who even condemn the trial as illegal, and those who instead feel that the trial will change nothing in the corrupted and tyrannical bureaucracy that is suffocating the country like a kudzo vine. 

The interesting outcome of the trial however, is that many of the people involved in the trial will be prosecuted for offering false testimony to aid and abet the aging premier.

But the best outcome of all, is that Berlusconi may never be able to run again.  And that is good news for everyone, even for people abroad, because the ex Prime Minister has shown a penchant for illegality that would make a hardened criminal pale.  In fact, there are rumors he might have called for the assassination of Ghadafi, an old friend and co-hort, who basically kept Italy afloat with infusion of cash, only because he had become inconvenient during his last election run-up.  The close association he had maintained with the Lybian rais was threatening his candidature to the prime ministership, just as Ghadafi's fortunes likewise started to turn for the worse.

The Mummy, or la Momie, as the French call him, stood impassively but visibly perturbed at the sentencing.  Even his strechted and surgically altered face could not hide his disappointment.  Berlusconi has finally gotten his comeuppance.

But in the end, all's well that ends well.  After ruling over his mediatic empire and the country of Italy for nearly two decades, the old man will finally have to exit stage left.  He will still offer debauched television show and degrading depiction of the female form, but at least his empire of degradation and low mores will not have the stamp of approval of the high court.  And that, in this writer's view is a godsend.

Source : France 24/ 6.24.13

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